While at work the other day, helping a first time Mom, I overheard the two new Grandmother's talking about how things have really changed since they had their babies. I listened at how they recalled the day of the week, what the weather was doing, who was there, what room they were in, what time contractions started, and the Nurse who shared the birthing experience with them. It is amazing how women remember EVERYTHING about the day they deliver. These ladies delivered 32 years ago at the old Radford Community Hospital, and could recall every detail. What impressed me most is how they spoke of the Nurse they had that day, and how they remembered her in great detail.
How amazing is it to have a job in which the people you care for remember you after such a great deal of time passing. To be in a store and be approached by a Mom with her child who is now twelve years old asking " Do you remember me and my baby John?" Well Umm, No not really, but this Mom knows you just like it were yesterday. How great is that? You walk away feeling guilty for not remembering, but with a sense of pride that you made a difference in what you did that day.
Babies are gift's from God, and Mother's are the Angel's who catch them. Think about your day of delivery, what stands out in your mind about that day. What Nurse did you have? Did she make a difference?
Do YOU remember? As for myself I remember so much with all three of my deliveries. One that stands out is with my first " Tyler " I remember my Nurse Annette smiling at me as I asked for my Epidural at 9Cm's and being told " Now you know its to late for that ". I of course freaked out, only to be sternly told what to do, how to do it, and when. If not for her guidance I would have not delivered 25 minutes later!
Do you have that one special delivery memory? Lets hear it.Do YOU remember? As for myself I remember so much with all three of my deliveries. One that stands out is with my first " Tyler " I remember my Nurse Annette smiling at me as I asked for my Epidural at 9Cm's and being told " Now you know its to late for that ". I of course freaked out, only to be sternly told what to do, how to do it, and when. If not for her guidance I would have not delivered 25 minutes later!