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Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Many Meanings of Charles.................

English.....Meaning Strong and Manly.

Other nicknames..Chuck, Charlie

-A Royal name, being borne by ten kings of France as well as by Kings of Hungary, Naples, and Sardinia. It was introduced to great Britain by Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-87) who bestowed it upon her son, Charles James (1566-1625).

It seems this name has followed me since birth in every way. First my Daddy's name was Charles. My sister was also named from him in a feminine version, Charlese. My brother's middle name is Charles, My youngest son is Logan Charles, and the special Man in my life is Charles.

Coincidence? I think not.

I love this name and its meaning. Strong and Manly, my Daddy was the strongest man I knew, always a hard worker, strong willed, strong in his beliefs. Everyone I have mentioned here holds the same definition. It does make you wonder if a persons personality and traits are influenced by the name they are given in some way? Probably not, but in our family it seems to hold true, or maybe from the strong influence of my Dad. He was definitely strong willed, with strong opinions.

I remember when I met Charles and told my parents his name, the reply from my dad was " I like him already, he has a good name". In fact my Dad liked his name so well he named his cat after himself. "Her" name was Charlie. Haha

Hopefully one of my boy's will continue to use this special name with their own children one day, how special that would be.

Maybe you have names that run from generation to generation, if so share them with me.


  1. Why it makes me proud to be named Charles!

  2. well, you sure have done your research!!!
