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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Miracle of Birth and the Nurses who help get you there.

While at work the other day, helping a first time Mom, I overheard the two new Grandmother's talking about how things have really changed since they had their babies. I listened at how they recalled the day of the week, what the weather was doing, who was there, what room they were in, what time contractions started, and the Nurse who shared the birthing experience with them. It is amazing how women remember EVERYTHING about the day they deliver. These ladies delivered 32 years ago at the old Radford Community Hospital, and could recall every detail. What impressed me most is how they spoke of the Nurse they had that day, and how they remembered her in great detail.
How amazing is it to have a job in which the people you care for remember you after such a great deal of time passing. To be in a store and be approached by a Mom with her child who is now twelve years old asking " Do you remember me and my baby John?" Well Umm, No not really, but this Mom knows you just like it were yesterday. How great is that? You walk away feeling guilty for not remembering, but with a sense of pride that you made a difference in what you did that day.
Babies are gift's from God, and Mother's are the Angel's who catch them. Think about your day of delivery, what stands out in your mind about that day. What Nurse did you have? Did she make a difference?
Do YOU remember? As for myself I remember so much with all three of my deliveries. One that stands out is with my first " Tyler " I remember my Nurse Annette smiling at me as I asked for my Epidural at 9Cm's and being told " Now you know its to late for that ". I of course freaked out, only to be sternly told what to do, how to do it, and when. If not for her guidance I would have not delivered 25 minutes later!
Do you have that one special delivery memory? Lets hear it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cake Anyone?

January is full of Birthday's in our family. First my son Logan's on the 10th, Second comes Tyler's on the 14th, Third is Bella's on the 25th, ( yes we celebrate our pet's Birthdays as well ) and last is Mom's on the 30th.

I have always felt it to be challenging to have two boy's with Birthday's four day's apart. I enjoy trying to make it a special day for them. The Cake is a huge factor in making that happen. The Walmart bakery cake is their favorite. Always white cake with white icing, decorated however. Doesn't matter as long as there is plenty of icing. For years that's what they request and have always gotten.

This year was no different, I knew I would be buying two sheet cakes all on the same day. I decided since Tyler was returning to Marshall and wouldn't be home, I would send his with him.

I was thinking at the checkout how much money I had just put out on two cakes, and how much cheaper it would be if I had made them myself. I realized with three teenage boy's they would probably be eaten in one or two sittings, and with Tyler taking his for himself I worried that one wouldn't go far with the other two, plus family that was to come over. I decided enough money had been spent on batter and that we would make due and add some ice cream to fill in the spaces as needed.

As soon as I pulled out of the parking lot I realized I forgot the ice cream and stopped at Food Lion. As I walked in I noticed a display with two of those huge chocolate chip cookies with decorated icing on them. The sign read " Clearance". They were marked down from $8.99 to $2.99. Wow, my boys loved these, I figured they must be out of date to be reduced that much. Nope the date was 4 days ahead. Still thinking there must be a mistake I placed the two giant cookies in the cart, crossed my fingers and went to check out.

As the teenager checked me out she stated " Man that's a deal" $1.50 each. I said " No I think they are $2.99 each". Well she said evidently they are $1.50 for you today. Great how lucky was that, I would have extra sweets if there wasn't enough cake to go around. I paid and as she handed me my change she asked if I wanted the FREE cake or any of the Free pies they had left over from the day. To my amazement I looked to where she pointed and walked over..............There on the table was a Deli WHITE sheet cake with WHITE icing. I took the cake and cookies and went to my car and sat there a minute humored by what had just happened.

How did I go from worrying I wouldn't have enough cake for everyone to having an abundant amount for everyone with extra to spare?

Maybe its luck? I don't believe in luck, I believe in good and bad. I believe in surprise and wonder, I believe in grace and glory. Is it possible to receive a message in a cake? Definitely.

The message that came to me that day was that there is abundance all around us. Just when you think you may be low or short on an item and you find ways to fill in the gap's and spaces with "replacements", there isn't any for celebrations. You must have cake for everyone. That's why I was handed a free one.

God's love is never ending and abundant. There are no replacements of him. There are no empty spaces that can be filled without him. He cannot be replaced with work, alcohol, drugs, anger, depression, loneliness, hatred, selfishness, abuse, or crime. He is the true one who will always make sure we feel full, with no shortages. What abundances do you have in your life? Have you ever felt you were a little short in an area of your life and knew what you needed only to replace it with something to just fill in the gap? If you continue "just filling in the gap" with whatever to get by, eventually the gap collapses and you are left with a hole to try to climb out of. Instead lets strive to replace our gaps and spaces with a solid foundation with the love of God who will never leave us with a shortage if we just BELIEVE.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dirty Snow

As I was driving today I couldn't help but notice all the Dirty Snow pushed up on the sides of the road. It didn't seem that long ago that it was falling so clean and beautifully. Enjoying the excitement you feel and the eagerness waiting for the snow and wondering how much will accumulate. Now days later its pushed over, hard, dirty, and unappealing.
I hear people complaining they are tired of it, its to cold, and they are ready for Spring to arrive. These were the same people only days before that were talking about the snow coming, getting groceries in, building snowmen, and talking about how pretty the outside winter wonderland looked. After all it was the Holiday season right?
Sure we got the most snow we have had in a decade and the temperature has been frigid for days, that's why we have been blessed with Seasons.

Thinking about all of this, it made me think about our lives and how God gives us days of winter wonderlands, then days of Dirty Snow. Just like the weather we never know what our "weather" will be for the day or how long it will last.
When the weather is bright and sunny we tend to be out and about running errands and keeping busy. It all seems perfect and bright. When we have snow day's, cant shovel our way out, schools are closed and you cant make it to work, and your in your pajamas all day we some how feel unproductive. Maybe this is Gods way of giving us rest and a "change" of pace. It forces you to slow down, spend time with your Family, and just do nothing. Only he knows what we need and when we need it. We are given seasons for a reason.

During this Winter season I will take joy in the wonderland day's and try to understand the message, word, purpose, teaching, and plan God is giving us on the Dirty Snow days.

As I got closer to home and continued looking at the old dirty snow piled high, I also realized at the same time beautiful, clean snow flurries had started to fall.

I know in my heart, in his way God was telling me that even though the old is dirty and unappealing, new shall come and it will be clean and fresh. It will be renewed.