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Monday, February 7, 2011

The Best Thing's in Life are The Unexpected.

Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me.
It hit me the other day about how most if not all of my day is expected. I have a certian time to wake up,start work, people I see, meals I eat, places I go, the drive home, the time I fix dinner, tv shows I watch,the list goes on and on........

Think for a moment.......... Do you want to live your life secure in the expected OR live for the thrill and excitement of the unexpected ?

~ Your expected due date for your baby

~ The expected company coming

~ The expected weather due to arrive

~ The expected baby boy or girl on the ultrasound

~ The expected bad day

The unexpected can be so appealing....

~ The beautiful baby that came unexpectedly a week early

~ The surprise visit by friends on a boring day at home unexpectedly......with a clean house of course haha

~ Waking to a unexpected beautiful snow, and school is closed, ahhhh

~ The unexpected look on a Mom's face when she hears " It's a Girl" and she was told she was having her third Boy.

~ A day receiving a surprise bouquet unexpectantly

This year I am looking and waiting for the unexpected. I know there will be many. I pray they will be positive ones. When unexpected things happen there is a certain renewal in our world. We see things are not always percieved and planned as we think they are to be.

I also plan to do some unexpected things for the people that I love the most in my life AND those that are complete strangers. This will do much more for me then for them. Be different, do THE UNEXPECTED :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fast approaching

I haven't felt like blogging for awhile. I'm thinking because it will force me to face what's soon approaching and in some way's have been trying to avoid it. I am emotional and know I can only delay it for so long. Daddy will have left us 1 year ago Nov. 15th. I still don't think I have accepted he is gone. Do I have to? Is it unrealistic to believe that there is no way that he could no longer be here?
The pain is as real and as intense as that November 15th day. I question why we must be forced to feel such pain and sorrow?
I think what get's to me the most is the extreme void. Just emptiness and the strong sense that there is a section of our lives thats missing. I struggle everyday to fill it somehow. I cant seem to conquer that.

Some observation's that have I learned this last year?

1. To appreciate my life...as imperfect as it is.

2. To accept imperfection's and dissappointment. Nothing and no one is perfect.

3. Alway's work hard, and realize you will never get ahead of your to do list.

4. See the beauty in thing's that are free.

5. ALWAY's PRAY, even when they don't seem to be answered.

6. Take time to remember. Think of the past, treasure it.

7. Realize it all doesn't have to be done today.

8. Love and be Loved like never before.

9. Stretch beyond your boundries.

10. Reach out and recieve. Give and expect nothing.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

40's, what's your thought?

This past few month's I have tried to put my efforts into healing the loss of my Daddy by gaining strength and knowledge of myself both physically and mentally. I have honestly tried to slow myself down in order to learn more about myself. I am constantly going as most Women today are. Work, the boy's, pet's, my wonderful Charles, taking care of a home and lawn, and of course my never ending desire to change decor and think up new idea's. As I have left my 30's and am into the 40's I find myself looking at everything at different angles. Is it really that important? Can it wait? Will it make a difference? Is it positive or negative? Do I really need it? (That's a hard one), How will it affect my boy's and myself. Yes, I think of all of this at once ha ha. I remember in my 20's and 30's hearing Women speak of all the downsides of being over 40. I dreaded the day I faced it. I never heard anything good. Well I am here to share a few good things......

I am finding in my 40's that all is good most day's. I feel blessed to be where I am in life, and feel the way I do. I have worked to be stronger and healthier everyday.
So here are the Positives I have perceived.....

We are generous with praise.
We procrastinate less.
We are dignified, seldom scream, usually only a glare is given if deserved ha ha
We are forthright and honest, we don't hold back.
We embrace and are comfortable with solitude.
We have confidence, and get things done.
We take and OWN responsibility.
We are Psychic, we know what your thinking. REALLY.
We are sexy and comfortable with ourselves, the need to impress is not a concern.
We are smart and good at what we do.
We take no crap.
We love God and honor his word.
We know that true knowledge is learned from other women both young and old.
We are devoted to those we love.
We love Nap's, and now realize, heck yeah we deserve one!
I am curious to know what you have learned in your 40's? Tips for staying healthy, happy, and active. Let's hear it ladies.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Yes i do!!!!!!

“I REALLY want to win a free photoshoot with Shay Cochrane Photography http://www.shaycochrane.com

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Father's Day is Near

This is the first Father's day without Daddy. I dread the day. I don't want to see any card's, balloon's, or mention of it. It will never be the same. I feel many mixed emotions, some in fact cannot be expressed. All I know for certain is, it will be a hard day. Grief is a scary journey that cannot be taught, or even understood. Sometimes feelings and thoughts occur without warning leaving you with question's on how you will get through them. I Thank God for those that know how fragile my heart has been, and I apologize to those who have witnessed my weakness.

I have found myself treasuring any item of daddy's. The memories are always there, but having something of his close brings me comfort and healing. I was cleaning my closet the other day and came across the Va tech jacket he always wore. As I quickly pulled it out, I became angry with myself. Why had I washed it? I remember the day vividly....Daddy was admitted to the Hospital and would be going home the next day. I grabbed up his clothes and jacket, wanting them to be clean and fresh when he left. He fussed at me saying " you don't need to wash those, they will be fine". Looking back, I wished I had listened.

I wanted to have his smell to hold onto. Sound's silly I'm sure but it's how I felt. I just wanted him near me.

Although this upcoming Father's Day I will in someways feel Fatherless because his physical presence is not here, my day will be full of special memories in my mind, for he is with HIS Father in Heaven at peace.

Psalm 68:5 A Father of the Fatherless, and a judge of the Widow's, is God in his holy habitation.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Lately I have felt God's presence stronger then ever. He know's when I need his grace and comfort more then ever. It seems some day's are great and other's are full of emotion and thoughts. I mostly think of Daddy. I still can't believe he is not here with us. I constantly wonder if he See's us and if he knows how much he is missed.

I do know there is a power much stronger then my own and all that is around us didn't " just happen ". Spring is here, all is in bloom. The dead are being replaced with life, color and bloom. Working in my yard I started thinking.......All of these plants and flowers, they appear to die or "go to sleep" for a season. When the timing is perfect and the season has arrived they all raise up, bloom, are renewed, strengthened, and full of bloom and fragrance

To me I see this as Hope and promise. I feel one day when the season is right, all will be healed, renewed, fresh, and strengthened and will rise. Although we all have loved ones that are gone and no longer physically with us, this Spring season has shown me they truly are not gone, but resting, waiting, for the right Season when all will be awakened and we will be reunited in God's right timing. The beauty around us is truly amazing. Take time to enjoy what is new and have faith and promise that one day all will be renewed.