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Monday, February 7, 2011

The Best Thing's in Life are The Unexpected.

Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me.
It hit me the other day about how most if not all of my day is expected. I have a certian time to wake up,start work, people I see, meals I eat, places I go, the drive home, the time I fix dinner, tv shows I watch,the list goes on and on........

Think for a moment.......... Do you want to live your life secure in the expected OR live for the thrill and excitement of the unexpected ?

~ Your expected due date for your baby

~ The expected company coming

~ The expected weather due to arrive

~ The expected baby boy or girl on the ultrasound

~ The expected bad day

The unexpected can be so appealing....

~ The beautiful baby that came unexpectedly a week early

~ The surprise visit by friends on a boring day at home unexpectedly......with a clean house of course haha

~ Waking to a unexpected beautiful snow, and school is closed, ahhhh

~ The unexpected look on a Mom's face when she hears " It's a Girl" and she was told she was having her third Boy.

~ A day receiving a surprise bouquet unexpectantly

This year I am looking and waiting for the unexpected. I know there will be many. I pray they will be positive ones. When unexpected things happen there is a certain renewal in our world. We see things are not always percieved and planned as we think they are to be.

I also plan to do some unexpected things for the people that I love the most in my life AND those that are complete strangers. This will do much more for me then for them. Be different, do THE UNEXPECTED :)