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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Yes i do!!!!!!

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Father's Day is Near

This is the first Father's day without Daddy. I dread the day. I don't want to see any card's, balloon's, or mention of it. It will never be the same. I feel many mixed emotions, some in fact cannot be expressed. All I know for certain is, it will be a hard day. Grief is a scary journey that cannot be taught, or even understood. Sometimes feelings and thoughts occur without warning leaving you with question's on how you will get through them. I Thank God for those that know how fragile my heart has been, and I apologize to those who have witnessed my weakness.

I have found myself treasuring any item of daddy's. The memories are always there, but having something of his close brings me comfort and healing. I was cleaning my closet the other day and came across the Va tech jacket he always wore. As I quickly pulled it out, I became angry with myself. Why had I washed it? I remember the day vividly....Daddy was admitted to the Hospital and would be going home the next day. I grabbed up his clothes and jacket, wanting them to be clean and fresh when he left. He fussed at me saying " you don't need to wash those, they will be fine". Looking back, I wished I had listened.

I wanted to have his smell to hold onto. Sound's silly I'm sure but it's how I felt. I just wanted him near me.

Although this upcoming Father's Day I will in someways feel Fatherless because his physical presence is not here, my day will be full of special memories in my mind, for he is with HIS Father in Heaven at peace.

Psalm 68:5 A Father of the Fatherless, and a judge of the Widow's, is God in his holy habitation.